V3rmillion Roblox Place Download

Place Downloads will be where you can download places for free. They won’t always be free or have everything. Also, these are some games to share with your friends. Also, you might as well want to add credit to the maker.

Recent Places – formal.Rbxl (ROBLOX Level)

  • Zoidnet v.0.02 - Finally finished, sales will begin soon enough so prepare via v3rmillion, love ya v3rmies! Roblox Exploit 2016: Skyrim 7 / Halycon Download, Lumber Tycoon 2 PALM TREE GET.
  • Rrs we create and place rating recommendations for requested games. The robloxiwood authority of film classifications and standards movie rating system is a feature designed by the roblox film wikia admins to give potential viewers information about the content of films and what to expect.

.NOTE: THIS IS NOT PERMANENT BC! READ THE DESCRIPTION FOR LINKS!.DBVM IS REQUIRED!. Forgot to add this to the video, you must enable Intel-VT, here is a video on how to do that.



Starblox is a great place to hangout and chat with friends. It is one of the very few on ROBLOX and is also, the best made with the best quality.

Creator: StudioMARIO

File Size: 1.99 MB

Places – formal.Rbxl (ROBLOX Level)

EBR Entry:

Actually, it doesn’t work but, it has good modle(s). They are just for show.

Creator: StudioMARIO

File Size: 227.06 KB

DJ Arena V1.0:


This place is for those that want a club or a social hangout place. This place is perfect for fun, and music.

Vermillion Roblox Place Download Game

Creator: StudioMARIO

File Size: 915.56 KB

Crystal World Fight:

This place is a glowing fun fight place. You can challenge your friends and see how long one can live.

Creator: StudioMARIO

File Size: 700.23 KB

Hostile TakeDown:

This place is a war place. More likely: Modern Warfare. It’s not based on any level in Modern Warfare 1 and 2. It’s a fun modern shooting game.

Creator: StudioMARIO

File Size: 2.27 MB

Those are all the games that can be downloaded so far. More games to come.

Jul 29th, 2016
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  1. I have the script But since I am giving you guys a script can you do a favour and get me this game
  2. https://www.roblox.com/games/160739078/Need-For-Speed?nl=true
  3. --Instructions:
  4. 2. Run any script executer.
  5. 4. Wait till it starts printing massively.
  6. 6. CTRL+A on the output then CTRL+C
  7. 7. Go to studio, new script, paste, remove the elysian/executer outputs on the top.
  8. 9. Run the game in studio.
  9. What's 10xCopy? The 10x faster remade version of my old place copier.
  10. Settings = {
  11. Copy = true, -- Using this option might cause lag in game but it doesn't remove the game.
  12. Creator = '001', -- Created by 001 from V3rmillion.net.
  13. EverythingAnchored = false, -- Anchors every part.
  14. CopyLightingProperties = true, -- Copy ambient, skybox, timeofday, globalshadows, etc properties from Lighting.
  15. AllowedClassnames = {'Part','WedgePart','SpawnLocation','UnionOperation','Seat','VehicleSeat','TrussPart'}
  16. newline = [[
  17. ]]
  18. tablecheck = function(t,value) -- Function: tablecheck, Description: checks a table for a value, Variables: table (table), value (string).
  19. if vvalue then
  20. end
  21. return nil
  22. printFunction = function(str) -- Function: printFunction, Description: Custom print function, Variables: print (string).
  23. end
  24. copy = function(children) -- no time to document this,
  25. if tablecheck(AllowedClassnames, PartClass) then
  26. printFunction(PartName..'=Instance.new('..PartClass..', Workspace)') -- Instance.new
  27. if children:IsA'UnionOperation' then
  28. end
  29. if children:IsA'Part' or children:IsA'SpawnLocation' or children:IsA'Seat' then
  30. end
  31. if children:IsA'Part' or children:IsA'WedgePart' or children:IsA'SpawnLocation' or children:IsA'Seat' then
  32. end
  33. local Locked = tostring(children.Locked)
  34. local Size = children.Size
  35. local CanCollide = tostring(children.CanCollide)
  36. local Archivable = tostring(children.Archivable)
  37. local Transparency = tonumber(children.Transparency)
  38. local Reflectance = tonumber(children.Reflectance)
  39. local BrickColor = children.BrickColor
  40. local fc = PartName..','..Name..','..tostring(Settings.EverythingAnchored)..','..shape..','..upc..','..CanCollide..','..Locked..','..Anchored..','..Archivable..','..formfactor..',{'..tostring(Size)..'},{'..tostring(CFrame)..'},'..tostring(BrickColor)..','..Transparency..','..tostring(Material)..','..Reflectance
  41. printFunction('ss('..PartName..','..tostring(children.BackSurface)..','..tostring(children.BottomSurface)..','..tostring(children.FrontSurface)..','..tostring(children.LeftSurface)..','..tostring(children.RightSurface)..','..tostring(children.TopSurface)..')')
  42. if v:IsA'Decal' then
  43. printFunction('d('..v.Name..','..tonumber(v.Transparency)..','..tostring(v.Texture)..','..tostring(v.Face)..','..tostring(v.Name)..')') -- Decal
  44. -- For mesh (d): p=part,t=meshid,te=meshtexture,face=size,n=name,ff=meshtype
  45. printFunction('d('..PartName..','..tostring(v.MeshId)..','..tostring(v.TextureId)..',{'..tostring(v.Scale)..'},'..tostring(v.Name)..','..tostring(v.MeshType)..')') -- Mesh
  46. end
  47. end
  48. c=function(part,name,everythinganchored,shape,usepartcolor,cancollide,locked,anchored,archivable,formfactor,size,cframe,brickcolor,transparency,material,reflectance)
  49. function tabltostring(tabl)
  50. for i,v in pairs(tabl) do
  51. end
  52. end
  53. return tonumber(nu)
  54. if part:IsA'Part' or part:IsA'SpawnLocation' or part:IsA'Seat' then
  55. end
  56. part.UsePartColor=usepartcolor
  57. part.CanCollide=cancollide
  58. if everythinganchored true then
  59. else
  60. end
  61. if part:IsA'Part' or part:IsA'WedgePart' or part:IsA'SpawnLocation' or part:IsA'Seat' then
  62. end
  63. part.Size = Vector3.new(n(size[1]),n(size[2]),n(size[3]))
  64. part.CFrame = CFrame.new(n(cframe[1]),n(cframe[2]),n(cframe[3]),n(cframe[4]),n(cframe[5]),n(cframe[6]),n(cframe[7]),n(cframe[8]),n(cframe[9]),n(cframe[10]),n(cframe[11]),n(cframe[12]))
  65. part.Material = material
  66. part.Reflectance = reflectance
  67. ]]
  68. if str:sub(-1)~='n' then str=str..'n' end
  69. end
  70. Instance.new('Model',game.Lighting).Name='Copy'
  71. findLoop2 = function(children) -- Function: findLoop, Description: Just a find loop, Variables: children (Part).
  72. if tablecheck(AllowedClassnames, v.ClassName) then
  73. v:Clone().Parent = game.Lighting.Copy
  74. v.Parent = game.Lighting.Copy
  75. end
  76. if v:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' ~= true then -- Anti player copy.
  77. end
  78. end
  79. wait(2)
  80. printFunction(line)
  81. end
  82. printFunction('d=function(p,t,te,face,n,ff)if type(ff)'string' then me=Instance.new('SpecialMesh',p);me.MeshType=ff;me.MeshId=t;me.TextureId=te;me.Name=n;me.Scale=Vector3.new(face[1],face[2],face[3]); else xx=Instance.new('Decal',p);xx.Texture=te;xx.Transparency=t;xx.Face=face;xx.Name=n;end;end') -- Decal (d) function.
  83. printFunction('ss=function(p,bs,bz,fs,ls,rs,ts)p.BackSurface=bs;p.BottomSurface=bz;p.FrontSurface=fs;p.LeftSurface=ls;p.RightSurface=rs;p.TopSurface=ts;end') -- SetSurface (ss) function.
  84. printFunction('game.Lighting.Ambient = Color3.new('..tostring(game.Lighting.Ambient)..')')
  85. printFunction('game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = '..tostring(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay)..'')
  86. printFunction('game.Lighting.Brightness = '..tostring(game.Lighting.Brightness))
  87. printFunction('game.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom = Color3.new('..tostring(game.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom)..')')
  88. printFunction('game.Lighting.ColorShift_Top = Color3.new('..tostring(game.Lighting.ColorShift_Top)..')')
  89. printFunction('game.Lighting.GlobalShadows = '..tostring(game.Lighting.GlobalShadows))
  90. printFunction('game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = Color3.new('..tostring(game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient)..')')
  91. printFunction('game.Lighting.ShadowColor = Color3.new('..tostring(game.Lighting.ShadowColor)..')')
  92. printFunction('game.Lighting.FogColor = Color3.new('..tostring(game.Lighting.FogColor)..')')
  93. printFunction('game.Lighting.FogEnd = '..tostring(game.Lighting.FogEnd))
  94. printFunction('game.Lighting.FogStart = '..tostring(game.Lighting.FogStart))
  95. printFunction('game.Lighting.GeographicLatitude = '..tostring(game.Lighting.GeographicLatitude))
  96. if v:IsA'Sky' then
  97. printFunction('a=Instance.new('Sky',game.Lighting)')
  98. printFunction('a.CelestialBodiesShown='..tostring(v.CelestialBodiesShown))
  99. printFunction('a.SkyboxBk='..tostring(v.SkyboxBk)..'')
  100. printFunction('a.SkyboxDn='..tostring(v.SkyboxDn)..'')
  101. printFunction('a.SkyboxFt='..tostring(v.SkyboxFt)..'')
  102. printFunction('a.SkyboxLf='..tostring(v.SkyboxLf)..'')
  103. printFunction('a.SkyboxRt='..tostring(v.SkyboxRt)..'')
  104. printFunction('a.SkyboxUp='..tostring(v.SkyboxUp)..'')
  105. printFunction('a.StarCount='..tostring(v.StarCount))
  106. end
  107. wait(2)
  108. for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Copy:GetChildren()) do
  109. end
  110. end
  111. findLoop(game.Workspace) -- Start the script.

V3rmillion Roblox Account Stealer