Tp Command Roblox Hack

Jan 28th, 2019
Click tp hack roblox

This is a truly horrible way to do administration. It would be better to create a simple Gui with buttons that send events. Also, you should break the joints of anyone sending a command who is not the admin and log them for the attempt, or add them to a ban list. Also, you should not do this based on the name of the player, but UserId. I don't know Lua so there might be syntax errors, but the overall idea is that you use string.sub method to divide your message into 2 parts: the command part and the info part. If the command part equals to 'kill/', then find the player with the name specified in the info part, and kill him! I don't play ROBLOX:D). Note: This tutorial is for people who understand basic to intermediate scripting. There is a small glossary at the bottom of the tutorial if you want some quick explanations of certain functions or concepts. So, with the recent drama, and since custom admin commands are very useful, I bring you this admin commands tutorial. Why not use free model admin commands?You.

Tp command roblox hack codes

Tp Command Roblox Hack Pastebin

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How To Tp In Roblox

  1. local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  2. local char = p.Character
  3. key = key:lower()
  4. enabled = true
  5. end)
  6. mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
  7. if key 'q' then
  8. end
  9. if char and enabled true then
  10. char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = mouse.Hit +,7,0)
  11. end)

Roblox Tp Tool