Roblox Gun Script Hack

Roblox Gun Script. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! 129612231-scripts / MLG Gun Script ROBLOX. Created Jun 20, 2019. Star 0 Fork 0; Star Code Revisions 1. What would you like to do? Simple Kick Script (Works only on Script) Thread starter Meebyte; Start date Feb 19, 2018; This website was created by Roblox members to replace the official forums.

Dec 30th, 2016
Roblox fe gun
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Roblox Gun Script Hack
  1. -- Originally made by Alfederate :D --
  2. localrad=math.rad
  3. local
  4. return CFrame.Angles(rad(x),rad(y),rad(z))
  5. local player=game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer
  6. local cam=workspace.Camera
  7. local weld=function(a,b,c0,c1)
  8. m.Part0=a
  9. m.C0=c0
  10. return m
  11. snd='rbxassetid://594472043'
  12. beamm.Name='beam'
  13. laser=false
  15. rs.CanCollide=false
  16. rs.FormFactor=3
  17. ls.Parent=char
  18. rsw=weld(rs,char.Torso,cf(-1,-.5,0),cf())
  19. raw=weld(char['Right Arm'],rs,cf(-.5,.6,-.14),ang(90,0,-8))
  20. law=weld(char['Left Arm'],ls,cf(-.3,1.5,-.14),ang(90,0,43))
  21. vol=1
  23. s1.Pitch=1
  24. s1.SoundId=snd
  26. s2.Pitch=1
  27. s2.SoundId=start
  28. s2:play()
  29. particles={}
  30. local wep=new('Part',char)
  31. wep.CanCollide=false
  32. wep.TopSurface,wep.BottomSurface=0,0
  33. local wepw=weld(wep,char['Right Arm'],cf(.26,.4,.7),ang(0,0,8))
  34. local beam=wep:Clone()
  35. beam.Material='Neon'
  37. beam.Anchored=true
  38. local inner=beam:Clone()
  39. inner.Material='SmoothPlastic'
  40. local ms2=inner.Mesh
  41. local expl=inner:Clone()
  42. expl.Material='Neon'
  45. pl.Range=pl.Range*2
  46. local br=pl.Range
  47. local exa=expl:Clone()
  48. pl2=exa.light
  49. local part=exa:Clone()
  50. pl3=part.light
  51. laser=false
  52. inner.Parent=nil
  53. exa.Parent=nil
  54. s1:stop()
  55. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()if char.Humanoid.Health~=0then
  56. s1:play()
  57. endend)
  58. laser=false
  59. inner.Parent=nil
  60. exa.Parent=nil
  61. s2:play()
  62. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  63. for i,v inpairs(particles)do
  64. v.Transparency=v.Transparency+.08
  65. v:Destroy()
  66. else
  67. end
  68. a=cam.CoordinateFrame.p
  70. mhit,ps=workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(mhitr,{char,beamm})
  71. law.C1=ang(90+(mouse.Hit.lookVector.y*90),0,43)
  72. ifnot char.Humanoid.Sit andnot char.Humanoid.PlatformStand then
  74. if laser then
  75. beam.Parent=beamm
  76. expl.Parent=beamm
  77. s1.Volume=s1.Volume-.0
  79. hit,pos=workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray,{char,beamm})
  80. if hit and hit.Parent:findFirstChild('Humanoid')and s1.Volume >.3and parti/8math.floor(parti/8)then
  81. end
  82. if hit and hit.Parentworkspace.Terrain or hitworkspace.Terrain and parti/8math.floor(parti/8)then
  83. e.Position=pos
  84. e.BlastPressure=1e4
  85. if hit andnot hit.Anchored andnot(hit:GetMass()>1e4)then
  86. hit.Velocity=hit.Velocity+beam.CFrame.lookVector*(1*s1.Volume*hit:GetMass())
  87. par=part:Clone()
  88. par.Parent=beamm
  89. par.light.Range=br*s1.Volume
  90. par.CFrame=cf(pos)*ang(math.random(-180,180),math.random(-180,180),math.random(-180,180))*cf(0,0,-10)
  91. ms.Scale=v3(s1.Volume,s1.Volume,mag)
  92. ms2.Scale=v3(ms.Scale.x/2,ms.Scale.y/2,mag-(.1/mag))
  93. beam.CFrame=cf((wep.CFrame*cf(0,-1.5,0)).p,pos)*cf(0,0,-mag/2)*ang(0,0,math.random(0,180))
  94. pl.Range=br*s1.Volume
  95. expl.Size=v3(math.random(9,13),math.random(9,13),math.random(9,13))*s1.Volume
  96. expl.CFrame=cf(pos)*ang(math.random(0,180),math.random(0,180),math.random(0,180))
  97. exa.CFrame=wep.CFrame*cf(0,-1.5,0)*ang(math.random(0,180),math.random(0,180),math.random(0,180))
  98. char.Torso.Velocity=char.Torso.Velocity-beam.CFrame.lookVector*(7*s1.Volume)
  99. end)
Feb 9th, 2020

Roblox Gun Script Hack Script

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  1. -- also there is no ammo limit --
  2. ['tooltip'] = 'Produced by UserOfEthanGamer'; -- Tooltip that will pop up when the mouse is hovered over the item
  3. ['dtime'] = .05; -- Amount of time before a bullet disappears
  4. ['rldtime'] = 1; -- Reload time
  5. ['maxammo'] = 32; -- Amount of ammo in one magazine
  6. ['damage'] = 8; -- Amount of damage one bullet does
  7. ['automatic'] = true; -- If set to true, the gun will continously fire if the left mouse button is held down
  8. ['range'] = 1500; -- Maximum distance a bullet can travel in studs
  9. ['reloadwhenout'] = true; -- Automatically reloads the weapon if your ammo is at 0
  10. local rld = false
  11. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer;
  12. local char = plr.Character;
  13. local tool, handle = script.Parent, script.Parent:FindFirstChild('Handle');
  14. local hold = false
  15. tool.Name = settings['name']..' '..'['..ammo..']'
  16. local function reload()
  17. if rld false then rld = true
  18. tool.Reload:Play()
  19. wait(settings['rldtime']/3)
  20. wait(settings['rldtime']/3)
  21. wait(settings['rldtime']/3)
  22. tool.Name = settings['name']..' '..'['..ammo..']'
  23. end
  24. db = false
  25. end
  26. if enabled false then return end
  27. if db false then db = true
  28. tool.Name = settings['name']..' '..'['..ammo..']'
  29. ammo = ammo - 1
  30. local ray =,(mouse.Hit.p-handle.Position).unit*settings['range'])
  31. local hit,pos = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray,char)
  32. tool.Name = settings['name']..' '..'['..ammo..']'
  33. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
  34. hit.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(settings['damage'])
  35. end
  36. p.Anchored = true
  37. p.Name = 'Bullet'
  38. p.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  39. p.BottomSurface = 'Smooth'
  40. p.Size =,.2,s)
  41. p.CFrame =,handle.Position)*,0,-s/2)
  42. wait(settings['dtime'])
  43. end))
  44. end
  45. db = false
  46. end
  47. if enabled false then enabled = true
  48. mouse2.Icon = 'rbxasset://texturesGunCursor.png'
  49. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  50. while hold do
  51. FireRay()
  52. if ammo <= 0 and settings['reloadwhenout'] true then
  53. end
  54. end)
  55. hold = false
  56. else
  57. FireRay()
  58. if ammo <= 0 and settings['reloadwhenout'] true then
  59. end
  60. end
  61. tool.Unequipped:connect(function()
  62. else
  63. end
  64. if enabled false then return end
  65. reload()
  66. end)
  67. --DONT MIX THESE 2--
  68. Tool = script.Parent;
  69. local torso = nil
  70. wait(0.01)
  71. arms = {Tool.Parent:FindFirstChild('Left Arm'), Tool.Parent:FindFirstChild('Right Arm')}
  72. if arms ~= nil and torso ~= nil then
  73. local sh = {torso:FindFirstChild('Left Shoulder'), torso:FindFirstChild('Right Shoulder')}
  74. local yes = true
  75. yes = false
  76. sh[2].Part1 = nil
  77. weld1.Part0 = torso
  78. weld1.Part1 = arms[1]
  79. weld1.C1 =, 0.9, 0.7) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0, math.rad(-90))
  80. local weld2 ='Weld')
  81. weld2.Parent = torso
  82. weld2.C1 =, 0.6, 0.5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90), math.rad(-20), 0)
  83. end
  84. print('sh')
  85. else
  86. end
  87. if arms ~= nil and torso ~= nil then
  88. local sh = {torso:FindFirstChild('Left Shoulder'), torso:FindFirstChild('Right Shoulder')}
  89. local yes = true
  90. yes = false
  91. sh[2].Part1 = arms[2]
  92. welds[2].Parent = nil
  93. else
  94. end
  95. print('arms')
  96. end
  97. Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequip)

Roblox Gun Script Hack Pastebin